Thursday, August 18, 2011

I-Doser Files v5

As I'm waiting on an especially large I-Dose to download, I thought that I'd put together a list of all I-Doses available as of the version 5 release of the I-Doser program. Don't know what I-Doser is? No problem. Click here to find out! A few files have (+QH) next to their name. That means that there is also another version of that dose in "Quick Hit" form. It basically means that it's nearly as potent, but is quite a lot shorter.

- 5 HTP
- Anti Migraine
- A Bomb
- Absenthe
- Acid (+QH)
- Adderall
- Adrenaline
- Adrenochrome
- AfterGlow
- AfterMath
- Alcohol
- Alert+
- Alpha
- Anesthesia (+QH)
- Minus Anger
- AntiSad
- Aphrodisiac
- Astral (or Astral Displacement) (+QH)
- Aura+
- Beta
- Black Sunshine
- Brain + (+QH)
- BufoToad
- CalmME
- Chakra
- Chloroform
- Cliff Hanger
- Cocaine (+ QH)
- Codeine
- Condition
- Confidence
- Content
- Crack
- Crystal Meth
- Datura
- Delta
- Demerol
- Dexies
- Diet+
- Divinorum (+QH)
- Downer
- Ecstasy (+QH)
- Energizer
- Ether
- Excite
- Extend
- French Roast
- First Love
- Game Enhancers
- Gamma
- Gate Of Hades
- Genesis
- Ginko
- Gray B Gone
- Hand Of God
- Hangover Cure
- Hash (+QH)
- Hear
- Heroin (+QH)
- Hibernate
- Inhalent
- Insomniac
- Inspire
- JuiceIT!
- Kava
- Ketamine
- LSD (+QH)
- Lucid Dream (+QH)
- Marijuana (+QH)
- Masochist
- Memory+
- Methadone
- Morphine
- MorningGlory
- MultipleO (+QH)
- Nicotine
- Nightshade
- Nirvana
- Nitrous (+QH)
- Opium (+QH)
- Orgasm (+QH)
- Out Of Body (+QH)
- Oxy
- Peyote (+QH)
- Pheromone
- Prozium
- Quaalude
- Quick Happy
- Reset
- Ritalin
- SAngel (Sleeping Angel)
- See
- Serene
- Smell
- Speed (+QH)
- Speedball
- Taste
- Taurine
- Theta
- Touch
- Tranquil
- Trip (+QH)
- Viagra
- Vico
- Victory
- White Crosses
- White Sage
- Yaba
- Yerba Mate
- You Choose

Wow! What an insanely large number of doses, right!? I didn't do any easy-peasy copy-paste thing here either, I wrote down each and every one. That's 146 different doses! I'm dreading when v6 comes out! Anyway, hope this helps you! It would be nice to show a little appreciation in the comments, but hey. I'm not forcing you to do anything. By the way, my file finished downloading days ago. If I missed one or two, let me know in the comments, and I'll add them in. And this list doesn't include the user-created ones. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Great work man thanks for all the work...idk why so less comments appear here...your awesome dude keep it up ;)


Check out the Table of Contents in the upper right hand corner of the page to find more I-Doser related articles.